Flash back to a day shopping….

Bear was around 18 months old, and we had a day shopping at our local shopping center. 

Bear was very slow in talking, his speech didn’t really start until he was almost two years old and he would not stop talking or parrorting everything everybody was saying. 

Bear had a growth spurt so we Popped out shopping as I didn’t have work, housework was done and to be honest I really needed to get out the house for a bit.

We had a slow walk around the shops, brought the essentials for Bear, spent the last of his birthday gift voucher and Popped into  the Disney store.

Whilst we were walking round. Bear spotted the balloon stall, he kept pointing to the helicopter balloon and I said to him (this sounds like I’m a naggy mum but to be honest I really didn’t want to buy a balloon!!!) , if he could say Helicopter I would buy it for him, we went into another shop and then went to make our way home. On the way back we passed the balloon stall again and as clear as day Bear pronounced Helicopter as clear as day… and true to my word I brought the balloon. I was very proud as Helicopter is a very hard word to say at 19 months old!!!!

So my warning here is be careful what you say as it may leave you out of pocket…. 

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